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शिवलीलामृत अभ्यास वर्ग (ऑनलाईन)

18 ते 24 फेब्रुवारी | संध्या. 8 ते 9
Booking confirmed

✅ You have been registered for the online workshop.
✅ Information about participating in the online class will be sent to you through WhatsApp and email 6 hours before the start of the workshop.
✅ For information no alias 9503864401 or contact us for 1 hour and half time.
✅ Only online workshops will be held through Zoom or Application. You can participate in the workshop using mobile or laptop
✅ 9503864401 or send the following message to WhatsApp number
शिवलीलामृत अभ्यासवर्ग (ऑनलाईन) - फेब्रुवारी 2024 यासाठी अर्ज व शुल्क भरून नोंदणी केली आहे
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